Task Automations

Unlock Efficiency: SalesTitan CRM Task Automation Powered by AI

Effortless Efficiency: AI-Powered Task Automation in SalesTitan CRM

Generative Ai for Creativity, Business and Advertising

Utilizing Task Automation

Use Case 1

Automated Reminders

Effortlessly manage your schedule with SalesTitan CRM’s AI-powered automated reminders. Never miss a meeting or deadline again, with intelligent notifications tailored to your needs.

Use Case 2


Stay connected with SalesTitan CRM’s AI-driven automated follow-ups. Build stronger client relationships with personalized communication. 

Use Case 3

Workflow Triggers

Customize your workflow with SalesTitan CRM’s AI-powered triggers. Streamline processes, boost efficiency, and adapt your business needs with automated workflows.

Why TAGD v1.0?

Endless features

Our community pages are designed for you to share recommendations, highlight your favorites, suggest improvements, and more.

Constant innovation

Our team, like our images and videos, constantly learns from your input to innovate and maintain a competitive advantage in the market.

In the cloud

Feel free to retrieve your images repeatedly, whether you want to revisit successful prompts or use them in our image-to-image and image-to-video generations.


Certainly! With Darwin Studios, you have the flexibility to customize both the style and theme of your image generation. Select from various themes and styles, including “photographic,” to achieve your preferred visual aesthetic.

SalesTitan CRM’s task automation can handle a variety of tasks, including sending emails, text messages, setting reminders, and scheduling appointments or meetings.

Yes, in SalesTitan CRM, you can navigate to the marketing module and easily schedule custom workflow triggers based on any criteria within your system.


Automated follow-ups in SalesTitan CRM enhance client relationships by maintaining consistent communication. This ensures timely responses, fosters engagement, and strengthens connections, ultimately leading to higher client satisfaction and retention.